Kate and Joe...
Two hopeless romantics who grew to love each other's love for music and photography while spending their days and nights at coffee and musical plays. We were thrilled when they came to us for their engagement photos with a love for the 20s and music... being inspired by the movie Midnight in Paris. Cryssi and I instantly began building a tiny cafe that would transport them to Paris... being surrounded by music, lovely details, and all things romantic.
Joe and Kate said they wanted to be "transported to another world," and we wanted to take them back in time in Paris where flappers were seen taking tea on the corner bistro and jazz music could be heard til way in the night.
That Paris exists and anyone could choose to live anywhere else in the world will always be a mystery to me. -Midnight in Paris
From the moment we met Joe and Kate, they radiated love. They giggled... they held hands... we knew they were in love because we could feel their love. It was beautiful and we could see that God had hand designed them for each other, from their excitement for all things vintage to their giddiness for all things musical. And as he played and she snuggled... we sat back, took pictures and swooned.
I can never decide whether Paris is more beautiful by day or by night.- Midnight in Paris
xoxo, Lollie and Cryssi
Just perfect... like everything you girls shoot! Love the one where she's holding the flower in front of her face!