Hello Dear 2013...
What a swirling, twirling adventure of fun... full of giggles, tears, excitement, discouragement, hurt, and joy unspeakable.
To every single beautiful person who allowed us to take our cameras and click click click away, thank you! Your trust in us and encouragement of our inspirations is why we pick up that piece of equipment. Every single one of you have a place in our hearts... God has used each of you to enrich our lives in ways we cannot express. You are a glue in our business... you keep us going, keep us smiling, and you keep us energized to share the world inside of our brains with anyone who will let us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We have enjoyed every maternity, newborn, family, engagement, bridal, boudoir, and post wedding shoot. You opened your hearts and let us dive in. We saw beautiful babies grow up and become one, we snuggled little newborns and were able to kiss their sweet soft cheekies, we watched families giggle into the sunset, we cried at so many lovely weddings where Mr. and Mrs. joined families and hearts for the rest of their lives, we hugged those who had lost those they loved dear, we sighed during those daddy/daughter dances, and we fell in love with each of you. We cannot tell you how grateful we are that you were understanding and patient when things have been crazy for us. When we had sick babies, you wrote us and sent your prayers; when we have been helping with Peepaw, you offered your help; when we felt attacked on all sides, your notes encouraged us. You have become so much more than clients... you have become kindred spirits. And we love you.
My Jesus has given us so much to be thankful for this year and to be able to capture it with our camera is such a gift. Here are some of our favorite family memories this year from our hearts to yours.
1. I breathed the words "Hello, Beautiful" to my second daughter Adelveis Prim for the first time. Her presence add some more filling to my already over pouring heart. Her happiness is contagious and I cannot praise my Lord enough in how gloriously He created her... absolutely every wrinkle is perfect.
#2 We went to the mountains... ALOT... and fell head to toes for the simplicity of it. Just to get away from it all, even if for a day, and surround yourself with those most precious to you is such a gift.
#3 Cryssi had to say goodbye to a sweet cuddly part of her family, Mia... and then was able to snuggle up to a new one. Gidget became part of the Sassyfras family...
#4 We became Instalovers... Oh Instagram, you have made our lives as photographers just a titch more fun. We are now not seen wondering the streets on ordinary days with our giant cameras... we snap snap snap the days away with easy edits and have made so many friends through it all.
#5 We took pics of our parents!! This was a huge deal since I cannot remember the last time, if ever, mommy and daddy had pictures made. To see them walk through their back woods hand in hand and snuggle under a fleece blanket made my heart burst with giddiness. They are the most beautiful people God could have ever entrusted me to.
#6 We took on a fantabulously fun business adventure... our Wedding Stories class through The Define School... the next one has registration starting this month in January... whoop whoop!! We love You Jess Cudzilo and your beautiful dream!
#7 Cryssi got a stunning tattoo... She has been talking about it for years and was even more lovely than I could have imagined. It is a dedication to our sweet Savior and His thoughts and protection of us as well as a beautiful reminder that our meemaw is always looking out for us. We miss you
#8 We connected with friends near and far. I am most thankful for the friends He has given to me through this business... Ladies, you know who you are and I am sending giant hugs to you right now!! You have chatted with us throughout the late night hours, read our messages of frustrations and lended a shoulder to cry on, made us laugh when we wanted to cry because of things gone wrong, and encouraged us when we were knocked down and wanted to quit... you all are awesome! xoxo

#9 I was surrounded by beautiful people in Guatemala. Thank you for everyone who gave items, money, prayers, and love for our journey. My heart is already longing to go back and be completely saturated with the beauty of God's people...
#10 We took a "teenie" bit of time to relax... our time with family is what we cherish most... to be with our cousins, our aunts and uncles, our peepaw... and eat more food than our bellies can hold, watch movies til our eyes explode, and bury our feet in the sand... ahhhh, vacation, it is too short!
#11 We celebrated a birthday and a journey of an adoption at the fair with those we call family, crazy adorable family. Just twirling with my girls, flying high in the sky on the ferris wheel, and watching my family laugh while the fair lights spun all around was such a huge reminder of why I want a big family... full of more babies to cuddle and call dear.
#12 And lastly, we nuzzled our peepaw close. We know every single second is a sweet present from Jesus. Soon, he will be dancing the street of gold with meemaw close by but until that day comes, we will hold those calloused hands and retell him the stories that he always told us around the breakfast table. We love you sweet punkin!
And so, 2012, as we dance the year away... it has been great, full of God's blessings and sweet kisses from Heaven... but 2013 will be even better. We will be better servants of our Savior, better photographers, better sisters, a better mommy, better daughters, better wives, and better friends to all the people God has put in our paths. We love you all!
Happy New Year
The Sassy Sisters
Lollie and Cryssi
I am so thankful to have met both of you this year. I sent a blogpost to Cryssi via her inbox today that another photographer wrote that so eloquently spoke of the frustrations that this business can have and echoes what I felt some of the emotions you were both dealing with.
ReplyDeleteYou have opened my eyes in so many ways as a photographer but even more about things I need to change in my life to be a better person and a desire to find my way back to my faith, that I thought I had lost. I am praying and chatting with Jesus like I haven't done in years.
I love your instagrams and the way your creativity and spirit shines through in each and every little click.
I have prayed for your peepaw and having a grandmother around the same age I know how each day is a blessing.
Your example you set of what a strong family is that sticks together through the generations is something our society has lost and I so admire and long to grow with my family.
Happy New Year Lovelies 2013 I'm sure will be amazing
Love Michelle
I just love you girls...truly {I think you know that} and I know that this year has had it's up & downs but I am thankful for the support we give {freely} to each other...I thank God for him blessing me with such amazing friends...God knew what he was doing when he brought us together. I love you {BOTH}...xoxo Christina
ReplyDeleteYou ladies are great and such a sweet joy to know! :) Your octopus loving client
ReplyDeleteThis is super lovely!!!! Love love you both and count myself so lucky to consider you girls my friends hugs and kissssssssssssssses =)